Charity Run
Published 12th March 2021
Christopher Hampton and Rachel Littlewood.
I am planning to retire from Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood in December 2021 and I thought that as part of the easing down into retirement I would enter the Great West Run and run a half marathon to raise funds for local charities Hospiscare and Force.
As you are aware, almost every charity is short of funds, but I have opted for these charities because they have provided considerable help to my daughter, Katie, who was diagnosed with cancer in January of last year.
Unfortunately, owing to the current pandemic, the race has been cancelled this year but I have decided to run a half marathon anyway on Sunday, 23rd May 2021, starting from the Force Centre in a route around Exeter and ending at Searle House, the Hospiscare Centre.
I will be joined on the run by my co-director Rachel Littlewood, my brother Simon, my son Nick and his friends Phil Edwards and Doran Stanbury. I will be starting the race with them, but probably for only the first ten seconds!
If you are able to support these causes then I would be very grateful.
Christopher Hampton
Please visit
Rachel Littlewood.
Simon Hampton.
Nick Hampton.