Works from the Studio of Ethelbert White

Published 1st May 2007

Early Photograph.

Early Photograph.

Ethelbert White (1891-1972) was a painter, illustrator, wood engraver and poster designer, born in Isleworth, Middlesex. He attended St John's Wood Art School and became friends with Mark Gerter and CRW Nevinson and was a regular exhibitor at the RWS and RA.

Bertie and his wife, Betty, were noted bohemians, travellers, singers and collectors of folk songs. When not travelling in Ireland, France and Spain Bertie and Betty White had their roots in a quaint little cottage in Hampstead Grove, Camden, a place where in their later years Harrod's would deliver their weekly provisions on account. This base vied with their studio cottage at Amberley in Sussex and their gypsy caravan all of which formed part of the country idyll of their lives and is obvious in Bertie's work.

Painting by Ethelbert White.

Painting by Ethelbert White.

Another of their shared passions was music the couple regularly gave public recitals and performed their favourite folk songs and sea shanties. Obviously happy with each others company they were married in excess of half a century and were eagerly sought guests at the studio parties of other contemporary artists. Augustus John, Sir Alfred Munnings, Christopher Richard and Wynne Nevinson were all close friends, the latter perhaps providing the greateSt influence on Bertie's painting.

Painting by Ethelbert White.

Painting by Ethelbert White.

White's estate, including the contents of his studio, passed to his wife Betty and thence in part by decent to the current owners, Betty's nieces. Bearne's (now Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood) are pleased to be offering works by Ethelbert White in sales on 15th May 2007 and 4th July 2007.


1891Born Isleworth, Middlesex, February 26th, the son of Bernard Richard White.
 Educated at Bayliss House, Slough, and St George's College, Weybridge.
1910Married Elizabeth Crofton Dodwell.
1911-12Studied at St John's School of Art under Leonard Walker (Painter and stained glass artist).
1912Visits Belgium and Italy. Works in an Atelier in France.
1914Exhibits painting 'Tum-Tiddly-Tum-Tum-Pom-Pom' jointly painted with CRW Nevinson at the Allied Artists Salon at Holland Park Skating Rink.
1915Elected to the London Group.
1916-18Farm work as Conscientious Objector.
1919First commissions for illustrations for the Beaumont Press. Illustrates: Herbert READ: Eclogues, Beaumont Press.
1920Exhibits two wood engravings at the first exhibition of the Society of Wood Engravers at Chenil Galleries, Chelsea. Illustrates: WW GIBSON: Home: A Book of Poems, Beaumont Press. Robert NICHOLS: The Smile of the Sphinx, Beaumont Press.
1921Elected member of the Society of Wood Engravers.
 Elected member of New English Art Club.
 FirSt one-man show of paintings at the Carfax Gallery. Illustrates: After Reading, Letters of Oscar Wilde to Robert Ross, Beaumont Press.
1922Exhibition of watercolours and drawings, etchings and engravings at St George's Gallery, Hanover Square. Illustrates: Carlo GOLDONI: The Good Humoured Ladies, Beaumont Press.
1923Illustrates: Richard JEFFERIES: The Story of my Heart Duckworth. Illustrates: The Wedding Songs of Edmund Spencer, Golden Cockerel Press.
1924Visits Italy.
 Exhibition of Watercolours at St George's Gallery, Hanover Square.
1925Resigns from Society of Wood Engravers and joins English Wood Engraving Society.
 Visits Algeria.
1929Exhibition at the Leicester galleries.
193Joint exhibition at the Leicester Galleries with Mark Gertler.
1932Exhibition at Leicester Galleries: 'Paintings of England and Majorca'.
1933Elected Associate member of Royal Watercolour Society.
 Elected member of London Group.
 One-man show at Redfern Gallery.
1934Elected member of Royal Watercolour Society.
1935Re-elected member of Society of Wood Engravers.
 Exhibition of watercolours at the Fine Art Society.
 Visit to Cyprus.
1938Illustrates: David THOREAU: Walden, Penguin.
1941Begins to exhibit paintings annually at the Royal Academy.
1944Exhibition at the Leicester Galleries: 'Landscapes of the WeSt Country'.
1946Exhibition of drawings at St George's Gallery, 81 Grosvenor Street.
1947 + 1950Exhibitions of oils and watercolours at Leicester Galleries with Jacob Epstein.
1958Exhibition of watercolours at Leicester Galleries.
1965Retrospective exhibition at Leicester Galleries, Audley Square. (Catalogue fore-word by RHW Wilenski).
1969Exhibition at Leicester Galleries.
1971Exhibition at Leicester Galleries.
1972Died on March 5th.
1979Memorial exhibition at the Fine Art Society.

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