Polar Archive: Francis Davies RRS William Scoresby
Published 23rd July 2019
In September 1921 Francis Davies was accepted as Fourth Officer aboard RRS Discovery II in service of the voyages of the Discovery Expeditions to the Falkland Islands and Antarctica. Initially he joined the crew of RRS William Scoresby and took part in the Second Wilkins-Hearst Expeditions to Deception Island of the coat of Antarctica.
RRS William Scoresby pitching during heavy seas on route form South Africa to South Georgia 1929
A photograph by Francis Davies aboard a rolling RRS William Scoresby on route to Antarctica 1929
No doubt Francis Davies earlier experience of travelling to Antarctica aboard RYS Terra Nova served him well as the conditions on the journey from South Africa to South Georgia aboard RRS William Scoresby were not the easiest as they encountered rough weather between South Africa and South Georgia. Francis Davies own photographs taken aboard a heavily pitching RRS William Scoresby show how far the ship rolled in heavy seas, yet if you look closely you’ll be astonished to see that Francis Davies managed to try and persuade a shipmate to pose on deck, though only a single arm hanging on for dear life can be seen to one side of the photograph!
A photograph by Francis Davies aboard RRS William Scoresby with unidentified but brave crew member hanging onto the deck, 1929