Notorious Forger of Paintings Records Historic London Landmark
Published 9th April 2013
This painting (FS18/371) shows Temple Bar in its original position where Fleet Street meets The Strand and it was painted by a ‘Mr Paul’, the prolific forger of paintings in the style of Canaletto and William Scott.
Temple Bar by 'Mr Paul' (FS18/371)
In 1878, due to the cost of maintenance and the increasing traffic congestion(!) the bar was dismantled and placed into storage for two years until the entrepreneur and brewer Sir Henry Moore bought 16 of the huge blocks of stone to build a gateway at
Notwithstanding the dubious nature of the painting by ‘Mr Paul’ it is a notable piece of social history in London and is offered on 24 April 2013 with an estimate of £400-£600.